Neuro Fitness Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public charity that provides a specialized gym for strength and cardiovascular training for persons with neurological issues and their related lifestyle challenges
195,000 people
in DFW are living with symptoms of Stroke
84,000 people
in DFW are living with Traumatic Brain Injury
28,000 people
in DFW are living with Multiple Sclerosis
only 1 Adaptive Fitness Gym
in DFW specialized for people with Neurological impairments. NFF.
Our NeuroFit Gym
At NeuroFit Gym, you have a special place to come for exercise and physical and mental conditioning at a very low monthly cost. Our members have each experienced life-changing events: stroke, disease, or accident. Neuro Fitness Foundation helps people with special neurological challenges maintain health, fitness, and independence.
Join others who share similar conditions and feelings who are working to improve their health, strength and independence. Please learn more about the Neuro Fitness Foundation through the pages of this website. We welcome your call and visit!
phone: 817-571-1323
address: 1361 W Euless Blvd #101, Euless, TX 76040
M, W 10a – 6p
T, TH 10a – 5p
F 10a – 4p
Sat 10a – 2p
Gym Photos
Client Videos
Former NFF president TJ Griffin reflects on football and his high school injury while playing for Trinity High School. What motivates TJ? His health and independence is a tribute to his determination, family, friends – and exercise at the NeuroFit Gym.
Learn more about Neuro Fitness Foundation in this informational video!
© Copyright 2024 Neuro Fitness Foundation. All Rights Reserved.