NeuroFit Gym
1361 West Euless Blvd #101
Euless, Tx 76040
Gym Hours
M, W 10a - 6p
T, TH 10a - 5p
F 10a - 4p
Sat 10a - 2p
Get Involved

2016-NFF-volunteer-Gary-(1)Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers contributed to success of NFF. We highly value your time and efforts and are not able to conduct many fundraising events and programs without your help!

Whether you want to volunteer to use your skills or to develop a variety of skills, to meet new people or to reap the rewards of lending a hand by better serving our community, we need YOU!

2015 NFF volunteer janeHere are some volunteer opportunities:

Fundraising (not inclusive):

2016-NFF-volunteer-w-memberOther Areas:

Intern Opportunities

Are you interested in a health related field and wanted hands-on experience working with individuals to improve their health? Each semester, Neuro Fitness Foundation sponsors several interns from local colleges. Interns will get a glimpse into a specialized fitness facility and its operation. Students are exposed to health services, giving them a sense of culture. In addition, they will have opportunities to participate in fundraising and event planning with a non-profit organization. These interns, while satisfying their coursework requirements, are tremendous assets to our fitness programs.

Other Benefits of Internship with NFF:

For volunteer or internship opportunity, download and fill out the PDF of the Volunteer form. Please contact our gym at 817-571-1323 for a visit and ask how you can make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities while gaining valuable experience in the health related field. A bonus if you have non-profits, event planning, and fundraising experience!